CodeSee–the #1 Code Visibility Platform–is LIVE on Product Hunt!

We're excited to announce that our latest release is live on Product Hunt today!

Got a moment? We'd really appreciate your feedback and support in today's launch.

For those who haven't heard of Product Hunt, it's a site where the best products in tech are shared, and according to Similarweb, has 4.3 million visitors per month.

The Product Hunt homepage is the front page of tech--and with your help we can get on it.  

How can you help CodeSee launch on Product Hunt?

First, we're aiming for Product Hunt's Product of the Day. Why you ask? Getting featured and having our product rank on Product Hunt introduces CodeSee to more developers and product teams who could benefit from code visibility.

There are countless variables involved, but for this to happen, we need you!

Please take a couple of minutes to share your thoughts about our Code Visibility platform through comments and upvotes.

Why is this important? Momentum. When you comment and upvote, your followers will get a notification and they'll hopefully come check out and upvote our product as well. Products that end up in the top 5 typically have between 800 and 2,000 upvotes, and can see up to 10,000 new visitors. So every comment and upvote is important.

Can we count on you?

In addition to a product discount, the first 100 new Business Plan customers to redeem the Product Hunt promo code will receive, custom numbered hoodies.

What's new in this release?

Since we were last on Product Hunt, our developers have been hard at work. With this release we've added Code Automation (Business and Enterprise Plans) and Service Map Visibility (Enterprise Plans).